About PrimoCiak

PrimoCiak is all about Italian films, it will give you a quick synopsis and a short review, the aim is to keep it  short and to the point. There will be warnings of International Film Festivals around the world showing Italian films and also some information OK let’s be honest some gossip about Italian actors too .  I am very passionate about everything to do with the Italian film Industry !

I am currently living in Sicily after 30 years in London and spend my time watching Italian movies as they are released, traveling to the National Film Festivals, and enjoying the beautiful Italian landscape, food and wine.

I have always had a great passion for films and over a number of years attended screenwriting and film making seminars in London together with some excellent classes run by the Italian Cultural Institute in London, who as part of their language courses ran a special interest group “Learning Italian through films”, a group that played a major part in my focus on Italian films.

I have been following the Italian film industry, while at the same time studying the language and culture, during that same period I have seen more than 500 Italian films ranging from the much-loved silent black-and-whites to contemporary films currently showing in the Italian cinemas. I see as many of the new films released in Italy as I possibly can, given that I am currently living in a small Sicilian village without a cinema! I would dearly love to see more independently produced films however this is sadly difficult in the current political climate, where little to no funding are available to the independent filmmakers and the process of raising capital can be a very hard and bumpy ride, not to mention the process of getting the film released into the national cinemas.

Italian films have often had to start their journey at a film festival in Europe and the USA before being released in a small art house cinema in Rome or Milan, months before actually being shown nationally – a process that can take years. An excellent example of such a film is the now highly acclaimed The Wind Blows Round ( Il vinto fa is suo giro or as it was originally named E láura fai son vir ) directed by Giorgio Diritti it was released in 2005 , shown in 2006 at the London Film Festival together with a number of other festivals worldwide . It was nominated in 2008 for the prestigious David di Donatello award after which it was released nationally and became a success here in Italy too.

The opinions expressed on my blog are mine and mine alone. Please feel free to comment although I reserve the right to delete comments I find offensive or not relevant.

That is the power of blogging 😉

© Marianne Wi and PrimoCiak, 2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Marianne Wi and PrimoCiak with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

8 Comments to “About PrimoCiak”

  1. Great blog – wonderful to see something on Italian films that’s not written in Italian, for those of us that don’t speak the language.

  2. Hi,

    I am helping to promote the April 7-13, 2011 Sicilian Film Festival in Miami Beach. Can you send me an email so I can send you a release. Possibly, some of the titles you will know or maybe you can help spread the word for us!

  3. I’m now trying to read the book, “La fine è il mio inizio”, and I found this blog. Thanks for telling us about these Italian movies!

  4. Great blog – I already know twice as much about Italian as I did 20 minutes ago!

  5. ciao marianne grazie per avermi dato la possibilita’ di ammirare il tuo sito, e’ cosi voglio rilasciarti un mio commento, sei veramente una donna che fa’ la differenza……………..classe style e signorilita’ sono innate in te.

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